Palos Heights Child Custody and Parenting Time Lawyer

Attorney for Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and Visitation Schedules in Cook County
When a marriage comes to an end, nothing is more important than the well-being of the children you share with your ex-spouse. As soon as you decide divorce is imminent, it is imperative to plan for how you will divide time and resources for their care and positive personal growth.
Under ideal circumstances, you and your ex will see eye-to-eye on these matters and use that understanding to craft a divorce agreement that covers your post-marriage responsibilities. That is not always the reality, because parents often disagree on many issues, some of which must be settled in court.
The Law Office of James A. Podgorny is prepared to defend your parental rights to the fullest extent necessary. Whether you can agree on some facets with your ex, or none at all, you can trust that we will take an aggressive approach to secure the divorce decree that best serves you and your children.
Allocation of Parental Responsibilities in Illinois
Either or both parents can be allocated responsibility for education, health, extra-curricular activities, and religious practices. All of these matters should be included in the parenting plan you incorporate into your divorce agreement. This plan can be negotiated between your respective attorneys, or go in front of a judge if joint cooperation is ineffective.
Formerly called "child custody" in Illinois, the allocation of parental responsibilities covers:
- Where your child or children will live
- Transportation arrangements between parents
- Information access for each parent, including medical and educational records
The Law Office of James A. Podgorny can vigorously pursue your desired parental arrangement. We will fight to protect your rights as a parent every step of the way.
Parenting Time in Illinois
Previously referred to as "visitation" in Illinois, parenting time is the duration in which a parent is responsible for the in-person care and decision-making regarding a child. This may be a simple matter of mathematics in split-parenting agreements, or it can be complicated by other circumstances, including significant traveling distance between parents if one moves out of the area or out of state.
Illinois law says a parent who is not primarily responsible for the majority of parental duties is entitled to reasonable parenting time, unless it would endanger the child. If your ex-spouse has taken an unwarranted stance to limit your child visitation time, the Law Office of James A. Podgorny will fight for your ability as a parent to see your children as allowed by law.
An arrangement that serves your family best right now might not always apply. Occupational, residential, or other life changes might require an alteration to your parenting plan. If that becomes necessary, we will work with you to apply the modifications that achieve the results you need.
Guardian Ad Litem in Illinois
In contentious divorce proceedings, a judge may decide to appoint a guardian ad litem (GAL) to represent the needs and interests of the children. The GAL is an attorney who investigates the facts of the case and provides their opinion to the court with regards to parenting time and allocation of parental responsibilities. This may include interviews with the parents, children, teachers, counselors, and more in order to make their recommendations. The GAL may testify in court or provide a written report of their findings.
Attorney James A. Podgorny will serve as a guardian ad litem and child representative for the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is prepared to conduct any necessary investigation and to serve as a fair and concerned expert when it comes to your children.
Contact an Oak Lawn Divorce Attorney
The elements of your divorce agreement that determine your time and your relationship with your children are paramount. The Law Office of James A. Podgorny understands how much that time means to you, and that is why we offer unwavering pursuit of a final plan that serves the long-term interests of you and your family. Contact an Orland Park family law attorney at 708-448-5297 for a free consultation. We serve clients throughout Will County, Oak Forest, Crestwood, Joliet, Palos Park, Palos Hills, Worth, Alsip, and Burbank.